Create Tomorrow is an annual event organised by a committee of the Student Union: the event is the world's largest student think thank, bringing students together with the business community to innovatively solve challenges within companies. The 2020 edition of Create Tomorrow was forced to take place online due to the Corona virus, which also created the need to be able to connect the different teams and companies digitally, without having to do it all manually.
To realise this, Drenso has developed an application where the teams can find the information on the assigned case. In addition, they can come into direct contact with the company that submitted the case through the system by means of a direct video conference. If the company is not present at the relevant conference at the time, the teams have a option to notify the company of their attendance. The application also connects coaches with the participants, using a comparable video conference solution. Registering for the available workshops and attending them is also provided from within the same application.
In order to make this system an investment instead of a one-off release, it was immediately taken into account that the fundaments of the application must be reusable for future editions (with minimal adjustments). Despite the extremely short timeframe (4 weeks) available for the project, the use of the application has proven to be a valuable addition to this (online) edition of the event!