NanoLabNL Information System (NIS)

16 July 2021

The NanoLabNL Information System (NIS) is an application to manage all information and processes necessary for the daily operation of a cleanroom environment. The development of NIS has been commissioned by the NanoLabNL foundation. Their goal is to improve the cooperation between its partners and to enable sharing of the available equipment and knowledge with ease. NIS plays an important role in facilitating this.

Users of NIS can authenticate themselves using their own institute credentials, after which they can access institute and equipment information, manage equipment reservations and maintenance, register their process flows and perform many other actions related to cleanroom activities.

The system integrates lessons learned with the MIS information system, a previously used system at the MESA+ of the University of Twente, and the Living DataBase by Phoenix, but the implementation is completely new and done in close cooperation with all NanoLabNL partners. 

NIS is currently used by all NanoLabNL partners, which are the Zernike lab in Groningen, AMOLF in Amsterdam, Kavli/Else Kooi labs in Delft, the TU/e lab in Eindhoven and MESA+ in Enschede.


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