1 October 2018Hornet is the replacement of the old WESP (Web, Email en Storage Project) and offers a simple interface for associations to manage their website, e-mail and storage. Hornet serves as a frontend for cPanel (web / e-mail) and Pydio (storage) where the association maintains its member/committee…

Living Textbook V2
1 September 2018After the successful completion of the first Living Textbook project, there were still plenty of ideas to further expand and improve the application, in order to increase the usability within educational context. Version 2 of the Living Textbook mainly focuses on merging the existing combinati…

Outgoing staff
12 August 2018A tool has been developed for the HR department of the University of Twente, which supports the administrative tasks related to employees who temporarily go abroad. Based on a number of predefined questions, the tool determines whether special attention is needed from HR for the journey…

Living Textbook
1 December 2017For the ITC faculty of the University of Twente, we have taken up an existing project to realise an improved experience for the users. This project is called The Living Textbook, which is used a dynamic study material: it graphically links different concepts with each other based on their conceptua…

22 April 2017Romias, a company that provides production automation for their customers, has recently launched a mobile app that can be used to monitor the status of the robotics. This app was originally developed at the University of Twente, after which the development and maintenance of the app was taken over…

Value stream analysis
22 April 2017The University of Twente, more specifically the HR department, benefits from a tool to easily create value stream diagrams. The tool is used to map value streams within the different departments and can be used to streamline the efficiency within the university by identifying bottlenecks and…